Medicine just in case
My healthcare needs are complex and as I navigate Polish medicine (mostly private, as almost half – yes, half, Poles), I am fascinated by how it’s done. This blogpost is an account of three consultations in the last month or so. Continue reading “Medicine just in case”
Language, psychology and who gets to publish
A few people asked me to comment on a new article by three clinical psychologists (here is a link). They report on their linguistic analysis and argue that instead of addressing ‘real’ issues, MH professionals use rhetorical devices. In this blogpost I offer a few comments on the piece. Continue reading “Language, psychology and who gets to publish”
Have they made you cry?
The article about how language belittles or blames continues to make rounds on Twitter (I’ve written about it here). Language can do nothing of the sort, obviously, language generally doesn’t do anything. People, including doctors, use language to do all sorts of unpleasant things, yet, more and more people are buying the need to change the language. I would like to introduce some linguistics into the debate. Continue reading “Have they made you cry?”
Way to go
Time and again, I read threads about attacks of psychiatrists and psychiatry. I have just come across another such thread and want to comment. Continue reading “Way to go”