Discourses of Men’s Suicide Notes. London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
Men’s discourses of depression, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2008.
The Language of Belonging. Basingstoke: Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2005 (co-author: U.H.Meinhof).
Men and the Language of Emotions. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2004.
Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. A Dialogue on Language and Identity. London: Sage, 2001. (co-author Chris Barker). (Korean translation: Seoul, CommunicationBooks, Inc, 2009.)
The Language of Deception. A Discourse Analytic Study. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000.
edited volumes
Language of Death and Dying. Bloomsbury (under contract; co-editor J.Ziółkowska).
Epistemic justice is the basis of shared decision making. Patient Education and Counselling, / (co-authors J. Ziółkowska & G. Elwyn).
Assessment team recommendations on the continuation of involuntary commitment in Poland. Journal of Law and Medicine. 29(2), 2022 (co-authors J.Ziółkowska, T. Grzyb & D. Doliński).
Experience of the absence of the journey to sessions in clients’ narratives about online psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychology, / (co-authors: J. Ziółkowska & M. Witkowicz).
Managing the communication channel. Discursive representations of clinical communication, Qualitative Health Communication, 1(1), , 202, 134-150 (co-author J. Ziółkowska)
The Submissive Silence of Others: Examining Definitions of Shared Decision Making. Patient Education and Counselling, 2021. Z. Berger, P.Scalia, K. Dong, H. Blount, & G. Elwyn).
No mental health research without qualitative research, Lancet Psychiatry, Apr, 8(4): 266-267, 2021. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30399-0
Language and psychiatry. Lancet Psychiatry, 5(3), 200-201.
A three-talk model for shared decision making: multistage
consultation process. BMJ, 359:j4891, 2017. (co-authors G.Elwyn et al.).
Language matters: a linguist’s view on medicine. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 93(7), 456-457.
Construction of suicidal ideation in medical records. Death Studies, 41, 493-501 , 2017 (co-author J. Ziółkowska).
Context and Goals: Suicide Notes From a Linguistic Point of View. Death Studies, 41, 461-2, 2017.
Discursive construction of fatherly suicide. Critical Discourse Studies, 14, 150-166. 2017 (co-author J. Ziółkowska).
Organ donation agency: A discourse analysis of correspondence between donor and organ recipient families. Sociology of Health and Illnes, 38, 1350–1363, 2016 (co-author M.Sque).
Continuing bonds from a discourse analytic perspective. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 46(4), 2015, 587-593. (co-authors: J.Ziółkowska & N. Bajkowska).
Experience of suicidal thoughts. A discourse analytic study. Comunication & Medicine, 10(2), 2013, 117-127. (co-author J. Ziolkowska). DOI. 10.1558/cam.v10i2.117
Managing information. Misrepresentation in the patient’s notes, Qualitative Inquiry , 19(8), 2013, 589-99 (co-author: J. Ziółkowska). doi: 10.1177/1077800413494346.
‘Keeping her whole’: Bereaved families’ accounts of declining a request for organ donation. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 22(1), 55-63, 2013 (co-author M. Sque). DOI:10.1017/S0963180112000382.
Interacting with a questionnaire. Respondents’ constructions of questionnaire completion. Quality and Quantity, 47, 3509-3520, 2013. (co-author O.Kozlowska) DOI 10.1007/s11135-012-9733-0.
Psychiatrists’ accounts of insight. Qualitative Health Research, 22(11), 1460-7, 2012 (co-author K. Opalinski). DOI: 10.1177/1049732312450283.
Psychiatrists’ accounts of clinical significance in depression. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 43(2), 101-11, 2012. 10.2478/v10059-012-0012-7
The patient’s world: discourse analysis and ethnography. Critical Discourse Studies, 8(4), 2011, 253-265. DOI: 10.1080/17405904.2011.601634
Questionnaires and lived experience. Strategies of coping with the quantitative frame. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(4), 271-284, 2010 (co-author O. Kozlowska). 10.1177/1077800409354068
A linguist’s insight into insight, Social Theory & Health, 8(1), 66–82, 2010.
Constructions of the self in interaction with the Beck Depression Inventory, Health, 12(4), 515 –533, 2008. doi: 10.1177/1363459308094423.
Identity ambivalence and embodiment in women’s accounts of the gynaecological examination. Health, 11, 455-474, 2007 (co-author J. Ziółkowska).
Gender and the gynaecological examination: Women’s identities in doctors’ narratives. Qualitative Health Research, 17(4), 2007, 477-488. (co-author J.Ziółkowska).
Lost in communism, lost in migration, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 2 (1), 47-62, 2007. (co-author A.Galasinska)
Shopping for a new identity. Constructions of the Polish-German border in a Polish Border Community, Ethnicities 5(4), 2005, 510-529 (co-author A. Galasinska).
Untold stories and the construction of identity in narratives of ethnic conflict on the Polish-German border. Multilingua, 24(1-2), 2005, 101-120, (co-author A. Galasinska).
Representations of Hosts in Travel Writing: The Guardian Travel Section, Tourism and Cultural Change, 2003, 131-149 (co-author A.Jaworski).
Discursive strategies of coping with sensitive topics of the Other, Journal of Migration and Ethnic Studies, 29(5), 849-863, 2003 (co-author A. Galasinska),.
Beyond Recency: The Discourse of the Future in BBC Radio News. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, New Series 1, 2003, 61-72 (co-authors: A.Jaworski, R.Fitzgerald and D.Morris).
Millennium in a minute: celebrating our way of life, Stylistyka, 11, 2002, 325-337.
Looking across the river: German Polish border communities and the construction of the Other, Journal of Language and Politics, 1(1), 23-58, 2002 (co-author U.H.Meinhof).
The verbal construction of non-verbal behaviour: British press reports of President Clinton’s grand jury testimony video, Discourse and Society, 13(5), 629-649, 2002 (co-author: A.Jaworski).
Reconfiguring East-West identities: family discourses in German and Polish border communities, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28 (1), 63-82, 2002 (co-author U.H.Meinhof).
Naming the nation. A critical analysis of names in Polish political discourse. Political Communication 18(1), 2001, 51-66. (co-author K.Skowronek).
Photography, memory, and the construction of identities on the former East-West German border., 2(3), Discourse Studies 2000, 323-353 (co-author U.H. Meinhof).
Unilateral norm breaking in a presidential debate: Lech Walesa versus Aleksander Kwasniewski. Research on Language and Social Interaction 33(3), 2000, 321-345. (co-author A. Jaworski)
‘Telling our way of life’: modes of mediating social life in German and Polish primary-school textbooks. Social Semiotics, 10(3), 2000, 293-312. (co- author K.Bennert)
Strategies of silence: Omission and ambiguity in the ‘Black Book of Polish Censorship’, Semiotica, 131 (1/2), 2000, 185-200 (co-author A.Jaworski).
Vocative address forms and ideological legitimisation in political debates, Discourse Studies, 2(1), 2000, 35-53 (co-author A.Jaworski)
The last Romantic hero. Lech Walesa’s image-building in TV presidential debates. TEXT. 18 (4), 1998, 525-544 (co-author A.Jaworski)
Strategies of talking to each other. Rule breaking in Polish presidential debates. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 17(2), 1998, 165-182.
Agency in foreign news. Journal of Pragmatics, 30(5), 1998, 565-587. (co-author C.Marley)
Academic missions. An exercise in negotiation. Discourse and Society, 9(4), 1998, 457-479. (co-author I.Connell)
The linguistic construction of reality in the Black Book of Polish Censorship. Discourse and Society. 8 (3), 1997, 343-359. (co-author A. Jaworski).
The making of history. Some remarks on politicians’ presentation of historical events. Pragmatics 7(1), 1997, 55- 68.
Background and discourse analysis. A response to Jan Blommaert. Pragmatics 7(1), 1997, 83-88.
Team briefing. A case of “open communication”. Javnost-The Public 3 (4), 1996, 39-67.
Pretending to cooperate. How speakers hide evasive actions Argumentation, 10, 1996, 375-388.
Cleaning up its act. The CIA on the Internet, Discourse and Society 7(2), 1996, 165-186 (co-author I.Connell).
Deceptiveness of evasion, TEXT, 16(1), 1996, 1-22.
The simple world of disco-polo. Zeszyty Prasoznawcze. 1996, 3-4 (147-148), 107-116.
Telling journalistic stories, Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 36(1-2), 1995, 49-73 (co-author I.Connell).
Indirectness in language, Polonica XVII, 1995, 81-97.
Is abiding by conversational rules conducive to the success of a speech act, Polonica XVI, 1994, 69-83
What is a speech act, Lancaster Papers in Linguistics 78, Lancaster 1992.
What is an indirect speech act, Lancaster Papers in Linguistics 77, Lancaster 1992.
Walls. An analysis of the persuasiveness of election slogans, W.Lubas (ed.) Socjolingwistyka XI, 1991, 85-96.
Names of dating agencies, Onomastica XXXV, 1990, 103-111. (co-author A.Galasinska)
Who boasts shall not be praised, Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 31(1), 1990, 5-18.
Contextualism in the study of communication, Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 30(2), 1989, 41-48.
Conversations? Representations of CPR communication in the Covid-19 pandemic. In Andreas Musolff, Ruth Breeze, Kayo Kondo and Sara Vilar-Lluch (eds), Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 397-410, 2022 (co-author J.Ziółkowska)
Language guides. An exercise in futility. In E.Darics (ed.) Language Awareness in Professional Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 83-100, 2022 (J.Ziółkowska).
Critical Discourse Studies: Mad, bad or nuisance? Discursive constructions of detained patients in Polish nursing notes. In. G. Brookes & D. Hunt (eds) Analysing Health Communication: Discourse Approaches. Palgrave, 2021, pp.215-239. (co-author J.Ziółkowska ).
A moment outside time. A Critical Discourse Analytic perspective on dominant constructions of suicide. In Z Demjen (ed) Applying Linguistics in Illness and Healthcare Contexts. Bloomsbury. 2020 (co-author J. Ziółkowska)
Lying and discourse analysis. In: Joerg Meibauer (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Lying. (pp. 517-528). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Zarządzanie informacją. Dezinformacja w kartach pacjentów (Managing information. Disinformation in patients’ notes). In D. Doliński i M. Gamian-Wilk (red.). Przestrzenie manipulacji społecznej (Spaces of social manipulation) (pp. 235-258). Warszawa: PWN. 2015 (co-author: J. Ziółkowska).
A two-way street? Discourses of post-communism and their sources. In R. de Cillia, H. Gruber, M. Krzyżanowski & F. Menz (Eds.) Diskurs-Politik-Identität / Discourse-Politics-Identity. Essays for Ruth Wodak on Her 60th Birthday. (pp. 343-53). Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2010 (in press; co-author A. Galasinska).
Men, masculinities and post-communism in Poland. In D.Galasinski & A.Galasinska (ed.) The post-communist condition. Public and private discourses of transformation (pp. 247-262). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010.
Sitting on the fence. Identity and Polish narratives of the 1st-May celebrations. In D.Galasinski & A.Galasinska (ed.) The post-communist condition. Public and private discourses of transformation (pp. 89-102). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010.
Living between history and the present. Polish post-communist condition. In Galasińska, A. & Galasiński, D. (eds) The post-communist condition. Public and private discourses of transformation (pp. 1-20). Amsterdam/Philadelfia: John Benjamins, 2010 (co-author A.Galasinska).
Narratives of disenfranchised Self in Polish post-communist reality. In A.Galasinska & M. Krzyżanowski (Eds.) Discourses of Social and Political Transformations: Post-communism and beyond, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2009, 204-217.
Deception in Discourse, in W.Donsbach (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Communication, Oxford: Blackwell, 2009.
Discourse and the unbearable lightness of psychopathology. In A.Duszak & N.Fairclough (Eds.) Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu. Krakow: Universitas, 2008, 149-182.
Rejecting an identity. Discourses of Europe in Polish border communities, (co-author D. Galasiński). In S. Millar and J. Wilson (eds) The Discourse of Europe: Talk and Text in Everyday Life. John Benjamins, 2007, 95-111. (co-author: A.Galasinska).
Mafia or returning Germans? Perceptions of security in two Polish towns on the border with Germany. In M.Buchowski & A.Brencz (Eds.). Poland – Germany. Cultural and ethnic border. Wroclaw: Polish Ethnological Association, 2004, 119-128.
Restoring the order. Metalanguage in the press coverage of Princess Diana’s ‘Panorama’ interview. In A.Jaworski, N.Coupland & D.Galasinski (eds.) Metalanguage. Mouton de Gruyter, 2004, 131-145.
The Messianic Warsaw. Mythological framings of political discourse. In: E.F.A.J. Ensink & C.Sauer (Eds.), The art of commemoration. Fifty years after the Warsaw Uprising. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003, 41-56.
Discourse of silencing. A linguistic study of a censorship act. In L.Thiesmeyer (ed.), Discourse and Silencing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003, 211-232.
Forced to communicate. Communication process in politicians’ speeches. In Mikulowski Pomorski, J & Bajka, Z. (Eds.) Valeriana. Essays on Human Communication. Krakow: OBP UJ, 1996, 328-334.
Neutralisation of boasting. In A.Otfinowski (ed.) Materiały XVII konferencji młodych językoznawców – dydaktyków, Bydgoszcz-Wenecja, May 1990, Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP w Bydgoszczy, 1995, 55-62.
Pragmatics in a dictionary. In. W.Lubas & F.Sowa (eds): Wokół słownika współczesnego języka polskiego, Kraków: IJP PAN, 1993, 81-94.
An analysis of the language of the “Mlodosc” monthly. In B.S.Kunda (ed.) The “Mlodosc” monthly and its readers 1985-88, Krakow: Osrodek Badan Prasoznawczych, 1989, 35-42.
See you later!’ Constructions of suicide as non-final in men’s suicide notes. The Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET 201)5. Hong Kong, June 2015.
Saving the father. Ideological dilemmas of suicide. The Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET 2014), Lugano. (co-author J. Ziolkowska)
Distancing in the stories of fatherly suicide. The Fifth Qualitative Research on Mental Health conference (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Greece. (co-author J. Ziolkowska)
Discourse analysis in psychology. 1st Conference in Qualitative Psychology, SWPS, Katowice, November 2013 (keynote address with J.Ziolkowska).
Experience of suicidal thoughts: A discourse analytic study. The 4th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, Nottingham, July, 2012 (co-author: J.Ziolkowska).
Managing information. Misrepresentation in patients’ notes. COMET 2012, Trondheim, June, 2012 (co-author: J.Ziolkowska).
Men’s priorities. Men, depression, work. Women’s health, men’s health. Medical University, Poznan. December, 2011 (Keynote address).
Fatherhood and psychosis. 3rd Qualitative Research on Mental Health conference, Nottingham, August, 2010.
Diagnostic criteria and psychiatrists’ accounts of clinical significance, Concepts of health and illness, Bristol, September, 2010.
Diagnostic criteria and psychiatrists’ accounts of clinical significance, International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry, Lisbon, October, 2009.
Normal biographies. Depression and the life story, International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry, October, 2008, Dallas.
A Linguist’s insight into insight International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry, October, 2008, Dallas.
Lesser men. Depression and the dominant model of masculinity. ICLASP 11, Tucson, July, 2008.
A linguist’s insight into insight, II Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, Tampere, June 2008.
Normal biographies. Depression and the life story. COMET 2008, Cape Town, July, 2008.
Beginning of depression. II Conference on Pain of life: Imperfection – Illness – Transience. Wroclaw, May, 2008. (co-author: J.Ziolkowska).
Failed men. Depression and the dominant model of masculinity, Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, University of Amsterdam, April, 2008.
Men, depression and post-communism, Change and Resistance. An Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Transformations and Education. University of Gdansk, June 2007. (keynote address)
Self and the stories of depression., 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine And Ethics, University of Lugano, Switzerland, June 2007.
A linguist’s insight into insight. Schizophrenia 2006: different contexts, different therapies. Collegium Medicum, University of Krakow, November, 2006.
Self and the “psychotic realities”, 4th Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine And Ethics, University of Cardiff, June, 2006.
Emotions on emotions. ‘Thinking aloud’ on questionnaire emotions. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines, University of East Anglia, June, 2006 (co-author Olga Kozłowska).
Gauging Sadness. Constructions of the Self in interaction with the Beck Depression Inventory. AAAL/CAAL 2006 Conference, Montréal, Canada, June.
Challenging depression. Power and lived experience in interaction with the Beck Depression Inventory. ICLASP 10, University of Bonn, Germany, June, 2006.
Post-communist masculinities. Gender models and lived experience of post-communism, 9th IPrA Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, July, 2005.
Men, masculinities and postcommunism in Poland. Dilemmas of the Post-communist condition. University of Wolverhampton, UK, June, 2005.
Post-communist masculinities. The relationship between gender identities and the experience of post-communism. Challenges and threats to democracy in Poland 2005. University of Opole, May, 2005. Keynote address.
Grammar of identity. 1st International Conference on Discourse and Cultural Transformation, Hangzhou, China, October, 2004. Keynote address.
“Learning to labour” again. Discourses of work in narratives from Polish ‘large plate’ block of flats. 1st International Conference on Discourse and Cultural Transformation, Hangzhou, China, October, 2004.
Lost in communism, lost in migration: Narratives of post-1989 Polish migrant experience, British Association of Applied Linguistics, London, September, 2004.
Sitting on the fence. Identity and Polish narratives of the 1st-May celebrations, 1st International conference of Critical Discourse Analysis, Valencia, May, 2004.
‘There is simply no such option here!’ Questionnaires and respondents’ construction of identity. AILA conference on ‘Multiliteracies and Cultural literacy’. Ghent, September, 2003. Keynote address.
Fatherhood and emotions in narratives of middle age (to be presented at) Father Figures: Gender and Paternity in the Modern Age, Liverpool John Moores University, July 2003.
Silence, identity and accounts of ethnic conflict. International conference on Identity Politics, Globalisation and Social Conflicts: Ethnic, Literary and Socio-linguistic Perspectives, Lagos, Nigeria, April, 2003.
Aspects of identification of attitudes and identities of the inhabitants of Zgorzelec (Poland) and Goerlitz (Germany). Scenario Conference of the Zgorzelec-Goerlitz City 2030 Project. November, 2002. (co-author A. Galasinska).
Untold stories of advantage in narratives of ethnic conflict on the Polish-German border. 8th ICLASP conference, Hong Kong, July, 2002 (co-author A.Galasinska).
Discursive constructions of disenfranchisement. The positioning of self in the Polish post-communist reality. ‘Poststructuralism. Psychoanalysis. Politics.’ International seminar, University of Wroclaw, Poland. July, 2002.
Narratives of disenfranchised Self in the Polish post-communist reality. A Conference on ‘Post-Communism: Theory and Practice. Warwick, June, 2002.
Men’s accounts of masculine emotionality. IGALA2, Lancaster, April, 2002.
Certainty and Speculation in Broadcast News Reporting of the Future: The Execution of Timothy McVeigh. ‘Back to the Future’: Reporting the Future and Temporality in Radio News. Research Seminar. March, 2002, Cardiff University. (co-authors: A.Jaworski, Richard Fitzgerald, Deborah Morris)
The Future in News Bulletins, ‘Back to the Future’: Reporting the Future and Temporality in Radio News. Research Seminar. March, 2002, Cardiff University.
Distancing in men’s accounts of emotions. The annual conference of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Reading, September, 2001.
Shopping for new identity. Changing constructions of the Polish-German border in a Polish border community. 35th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology ‘The Moral Fabric in Contemporary Societies’. Krakow, July 2001. (co-author: A.Galasinska)
Mafia or returning Germans? Perceptions of security in two Polish towns on the border with Germany. Regional Security and Borders in Post-Communist Europe workshop. CRES, University of Birmingham, April, 2001.
The (un)settled past. Narratives and the constructions of memories in German and Polish border communities. Narrative in Discourse Analysis and Sociocultural Research, University of Leeds, 23 March, 2001.
Visions of history in the Polish 20th-century commemoration programmes. Conference on ‘televisual construction of the 20th century at the eve of the Millennium. Bradford, November, 2000.
Reconfiguring East-West identities: family discourses in German and Polish border communities. 6th Bi-annual conference of the European Association of Social Anthropology on ‘Crossing European boundaries: Beyond conventional categories’, Krakow, July, 2000 (co-author U.H. Meinhof).
The verbal construction of non-verbal behaviour. International Pragmatics Association conference, Budapest, July, 2000. (co-author A. Jaworski).
Embracement and rejection – ideological dilemmas of middle age. 7th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Cardiff, June 2000. (co-author K.Bennert)
Making age irrelevant. Strategies of backgrounding age identity in life-span interviews. Sociolinguistic Symposium 2000, Bristol, April, 2000. (co-author K.Bennert).
Looking across the river: German Polish border communities and the construction of the Other. Sociolinguistic Symposium 2000, Bristol, April 2000. (co-author U.H. Meinhof).
Millennium in a minute: celebrating the British way life the British Millennium-experience ad. International conference of PRISM, Corsica, September, 1999.
Message design in automated call queuing systems. The annual conference of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, September, 1999. (co- author K.Bennert)
Photography as trigger for personal narratives in border communities. 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA’99) Tokyo, August, 1999. (co-author U.H. Meinhof)
Meeting the local Other: Representations of local people in British press travel sections. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, May 1999. (co-author A.Jaworski).
Photography, memory, and the construction of identities on the former East-West German border. International conference: Beyond Boundaries II: New Europe… Pan Europe?, February, 1999, University of Salford, 1999. (co-author U.H. Meinhof)
Photography as memory trigger: a work-in-progress report on the discursive constructions of identities in border communities. International Symposium on Media and Memory, University of Bradford, October, 1998. (co-author U.H.Meinhof).
‘Why do you fight your nation?’ Journalistic questions in the 1995 Polish presidential debates. International conference on ‘The Profession of Journalism in a Democratic Society. East-West Perspectives’. Napier University, Edinburgh, September 1998.
Forms of address and ideology in political debates, 6th International Pragmatics Association conference, Reims, July 1998. (co-author A. Jaworski)
“Sensationally frank revelations”. Metalinguistic constructions of extralinguistic reality. 3rd International Cardiff Round Table Meeting in Sociolinguistics on Metalanguage, University of Wales, Gregynog Hall, June 1998.
“We bow to Jozef Pilsudski”. Critical analysis of proper names in political discourse. 11th Polish Onomastic Conference, Bydgoszcz, Poland, June 1998. (co-author K.Skowronek)
“I am an excellent demagogue.” Frame manipulation as a strategy in Lech Walesa’s debating style. 12th Sociolinguistic Symposium, London, March 1998. (co-author A. Jaworski)
Censorship, ambiguity and silence. 16th International Congress of Linguists, Paris, July 1997. (co-author A. Jaworski)
“I’m a worker… you’re an intellectual”: Lech Walesa’s style of presidential debating. International Conference ‘Analysing Political Discourse’, Aston University, Birmingham, July 1997 (co-author A. Jaworski).
“And I must respond again…” Strategies of rule-breaking in Polish presidential debates. 6th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, University of Ottawa, May 1997.
The Polish Messiah. Myth and political discourse. International Conference on Frame and Perspective in Discourse, University of Groningen, November 1996.
Representations of the foreign. A linguistic complement to a content analytical study. 10th Colloquium on Communication and Culture, Piran, Slovenia, September 1996.
Conversation for misrepresentation. International Pragmatics Conference, Mexico City, July 1996.
The beautiful world of disco-polo. International Conference “Media in Culture – Culture in Media”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, June 1996.
Missioning democracy. An analysis of universities’ mission statements. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, May 1996 (co-author I.Connell).
Conversational deception. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, May 1996.
Language of reconciliation. With whom? International Conference on Political Linguistics (Belgian Linguistic Association and International Pragmatics Association), Antwerp, December 1995.
Discourse of silencing. A linguistic study of a censorship act. Keio University International Symposium on Discourse, Shonan Fujisawa, September 1995.
Pretending to communicate. How speakers hide evasive actions. American Communication Association Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 1995.
Cleaning up its act. CIA on the Internet pages. American Communication Association Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 1995 (co-author I.Connell).
The problem of the addressee. A study of the language of Polish censorship law. International Linguistic Association Conference, Georgetown University, Washington DC, March 1995.
Pragmatics of deception. The Case of Lying and Evasion, Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics, Washington D.C., March 1995.
Conceptualising deception: A linguist’s perspective. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Sydney, July 1994.
Deceptiveness of evasion. 5th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 1994.
Telling journalistic stories. International Conference on Media Ethics – Image of The World in the Media, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, November 1994 (co-author I.Connell)
Pragmatics in a dictionary. International Conference on “Ways of presenting pragmatic information in monolingual general dictionaries”. Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, December 1990.
Who boasts shall not be praised. A new approach to indirect speech acts, IPrA International Pragmatics Conference, Barcelona, July 1990.
On neutralisation of boasting. Young Linguists’ Conference, Wenecja, May 1990.
Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University; October 2005; March 2006.
Warsaw School of Social Psychology, June, 2005
University of Warwick, Discursive resources of identity. May, 2003.
Jagiellonian University, Looking across the river: The construction of Other in the Polish border communities, October, 2000.
University of Opole, Metadiscursive deception, July, 2000.
University of Wolverhampton, Photography, memory, and the construction of identities on the former East-West German border. (Co-author U.H. Meinhof)
University of Bradford, Naming the nation, A critical analysis of names in political discourse, September, 1998.
University of Wales, Cardiff, Strategies of talking to each other. Rule breaking in Polish presidential debates, November 1997.
Birmingham University In search of anthropos. Problems of translation of news texts from Polish to English, June, 1997.
Jagiellonian University, Language of reconciliation. With whom?, April, 1996
Jagiellonian University, Ethnology of boasting, June, 1991
Shuy. The Language of confession, interrogation, and deception. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Larsen, Foreign Policy and Discourse Analysis. France, Britain and Europe. London: Routledge. and G. Friedman and H. Starr. Agency, Structure, and International Politics. From ontology to empirical inquiry. London: Routledge. Discourse and Society. 10 (1)
Ryan, Reading ‘The Prostitute’. Ashgate: Aldershot, 1997. Discourse and Society, 9(4), 569-570.
W.P. Robinson, Deceit, Delusion and Detection. Sage: 1996. Journal of Sociolinguistics 1(2), 284-287.
M.Billig, Banal Nationalism, London: Sage, 1995 Discourse and Society, 7(3), 569-70
Zbigniew Necki, Komunikowanie interpersonalne, Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1992, Polonica XVI, 1994, 224-232.
W.Tomasik: Polska powieść tendencyjna 1949-55. Problemy perswazji literackiej, Wrocław: Ossolineum, 1988, Język Polski 70(5), 1990, 234-238.
“Gazette”, 40(1-3), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 1989/4, 125-126.
“European Journal of Communication”, 1988, 3(2) (special edition), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1989/3, 129-131.
“Gazette”, 43(1-3), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1990/2-4, 189-191.
“Gazette”, 39(1-3), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1989/2, 142-144.
Dan Steinbock: Television and Screen Transference, Finnish Broadcasting Company, Helsinki 1988, Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1989/2, 123-124.
“Gazette”, 38 (special edition), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1989/1,. 137-138.
“Gazette”, 37(1-3), Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 1988/4, 176-177.
Usefulness is the primary requirement of wine assessment (Winemag)
Towards more inviting tasting notes (Winemag)
Bring back the delight of wine (Winemag)
Assessment criteria, please! (Winemag)
A better way to communicate (Meiningers International)
A consumer’s perspective on the wine writer (Winemag)
Neither new, not a world (Tim Atkin)
Different wine talk (Tim Atkin)