Power of the layout
A few days ago, I was sitting in an office of a psychologist/psychotherapist and commented on the fact that I barely saw her. It was sunny outside, the psychotherapist’s was sitting close to the window with her back towards it and as the glare dazzled me. I am sitting in the shade, she responded. I thought it was a very interesting response, but what struck me again, was the layout of the office/surgery. The blog on surgeries’ layout has been long coming. Continue reading “Power of the layout”
Stop pressuring me
Anyone can help, say Canadian Mental Health Association’s Centre for Suicide Prevention. They issue yet another call to arms. People are struggling, thinking of suicide, and you can help, and you, you, and also you. No hesitation, no reflection, just get on with it and help. I don’t like this text at all, this blog explains why. This post might be controversial for some people. Continue reading “Stop pressuring me”
Permanence of migrancy
As the year comes to its end, people start taking stock, I thought I would also try, although I hadn’t made it before the year’s end. It’s the second year I’ve been in Poland (first full year), after all those years in England. But I don’t want to focus on the obvious (pandemic and all that). I want to focus on the permanence of being a migrant. Continue reading “Permanence of migrancy”
Who listens?
Not long ago, I was involved in a discussion about the LISTEN project, developed in the NHS. It’s advertised as developed by service users, carers and clinicians. I think the idea is great – it is certainly desirable, probably also necessary, to remind clinicians to listen. Unfortunately, the poster, which is created as a reminder, is not very good at all. Continue reading “Who listens?”