No, it’s not ‘OK to talk’
Some time ago I read an article on psychiatric detention written by an American university professor. It’s very uncomfortable (if this is the right word) reading. But what struck me in particular, was that the author of the piece wanted to remain anonymous, even though he says that the time in the secure unit was valuable. Why?!
Don’t ask me, if ‘I am suicidal’
“Are you suicidal?” This is one of the questions that people and organisations ask persons whom they think are at risk of suicide. It is also a question which is to get people to pick up the phone and get help. Does it work? I don’t know. But I really don’t like it.
Translating names
When I came to this county, one of the most pressing issues I faced, was how I would handle my name. Although Dariusz Galasiński is nothing in comparison with one of my friends’ surname: Chrabąszcz, believe me it’s a problem.
Suicide – context and meaning
Chris Ryan, a psychiatrist, writes about the futility of risk assessment in a group of patients admitted in emergency. He shows that they are more then likely to score high on quite a number of risk factors, so it is futile to take them into account, as most of them are unlikely to take their lives. His blog, on the excellent Imperfect cognitions, is in tune with a recent paper in which he and his co-authors write in the abstract: Continue reading “Suicide – context and meaning”